Our Experience

From our own experience we have found that being able to choose the jobs you work on and the clients that you like to work with is a powerful tool in building towards your own personal satisfaction. Combine this with flexible remote working means you also get to live where you want to whilst you earn money. On a recent broadcast TV production we worked as part of a team that included creatives in Bali, Brighton, Scotland, Ibiza, London, Amsterdam and Cornwall. Nobody left their homes, the creative outputs were amazing and our carbon footprints were minimal. What other industry could boast these kinds of benefits, not just for our own wellbeing but also for the health of the planet?

Don't get us wrong, it's not all perfect. Freelancing does bring some stresses, especially around job security and finding that next important gig. But having said that, it pushes you as a creative person to stay at the top of your game. 

You have to keep creating, either on the products or services that you are generating, or on your business, so you can stay on top of marketing your best product… YOU!


Make work, Work for you.


Do you need qualifications to be an assistant producer?